The SDK for ESP8266 is based on linux, the user manual suggest you to install a virtual machine in Windows and do your job under windows. I don't know why they do this, probably because their download tool is for Windows only ? For me that doesn't make sense. I won't waste my hard drive space to install a virtual machine while I already have a Ubuntu installed as a dual boot.
The simplest way to play with a ESP8266 is to use the AT command, you just need a terminal and a USB port. There is already a USB-UART chip FT-232 on the ESP-launcher board, and the good news is Ubuntu has built-in driver for it.
You don't need to turn on the launcher to check the FT-232's status. Connect the USB cable and go to the terminal in Ubuntu, use this command to check if the USB-UART chip has been recognized:
See the second one from the last : Future Technology Devives International, Ltd FT232 USB-Serial (UART) IC
When it's correctly driven, you will get a new TTY device and that is the AT terminal to use. Use "ls /dev" command to check the devices and search for "ttyUSBn", on my computer, it's ttyUSB0.
Unfortunately, Ubuntu doesn't come with a proper terminal software to communicate via these serial ports, you have to download the "minicom" software. It's easy just use "sudo apt-get install minicom" form the terminal.
run minicom in the terminal, you have to use "sudo minicom" otherwise it will not run. For the first time, use "sudo minicom -s" to enter setup and set the serial port to the USB, be sure to set it to 115200, 8N1, like this:
When everything is set, turn the ESP-Launcher on, ta-da! you see the "ready!" from the ESP8266!
Now let's try some AT commands: AT+GMR displays the version information the ESP8266 chip, and AT+CWLAP displays the wifi hotspots arround:
Remember, you have to use Ctrl-m + Ctrl-j at the end of AT command, or use
ENTRE+Ctrl-j , seems the ESP8266 needs a Windows like end-of-line mark.
Connect to the WiFi :
That's it! You can't do much with just a terminal and ESP8266, to have more fun you have to do some programming, either program the ESP8266 itself or connect an external MCU, I'll try it later and write a post then.
Windows installer, minicom, AT commands... Wuh!? That AT command firmware is a major waste of the ESPs abilities, throw it away. Install the Arduino IDE, use Boards Manager to install 'Arduino Core for ESP8266' then open up a huge world of abilities, libraries and software thats available for them.